smart pinball U is japanese old pinball full 3d lets play (´・ω・`)retro smart pinball appeared in full 3D!Peace of mind play in full physical computin
smart pinball U is japanese old pinball full 3d let's play (´・ω・`)
retro smart pinball appeared in full 3D!
Peace of mind play in full physical computing and totally free-full-free billing
smart pinball U appeared!
[Brief description of how to play]
Ball is fired if appropriately tap anywhere on the screen.
Strongly hammered short tap in the long press will be weak launch.
The ship same fire there is considerable variation, but please play appropriately and without thinking too deeply.
The upper part of the winning hole corresponding to the number each opens when entering the rotary role of the Center.
In particular, is a free play only that purpose does not have clear conditions.
Please to kill time.